What we do

Microfinance Loans

MSME Loans

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New Opportunity Consultancy is a Business Correspondent to multiple banks and provides group based micro-loans to women across rural India, enabling them to lead a financially empowered life.
Empowerment of women through financial inclusion and services in a reliable, cost-effective and transparent manner.
To serve 5 million customers by 2025
A group of 8-10 members is formed, KYC is collected digitally, Credit Bureau Check done and the loan is sanctioned instantly.
Basic information about our product, process and informative content is communicated to each borrower through audio-visuals.
Loan amount is disbursed directly into the borrower's bank account
'The Paperless Way' - enabled through mobile-linked auto receipts and an option for digital payment.
The process is completely digitalized and executed via smart devices.